I'm involved in a deep telephone conversation with my brother when I hear a slap, slap, tap, tap coming from downstairs, in the dark. Dre is working late, the kids are all nestled all snug in their beds. I'm pretty sure it's Jason Vorhees coming to get me. Or...it's Nacho, our beloved gerbil trying to make a prison break. This goes on intermittently for half an hour. After said phone convo, I creep downstairs to investigate. The little dude pops his head out of his apartment & decides Just.That.Moment to escape before my very eyes. I of course grab my camera to document it because there is no way I am touching him on account of his tail being too long see...

How cute is he right?!
He proceeds to run a wild rampage through the living room, behind the couch, in the shoes, leaving a trail of poop in his wake. I finally baby whispered him into a paper bag and then gently deposited him in his cage. He promptly climbed on his wheel that goes nowhere and continued his marathon run. How
exxxciting is that folks??
By the way, this mascara is bruTAL, never had a worse one in my life, flakes everywhere. Like hungover, haven't washed your face in 24 hours or taken out your contacts flakes. I think it's Cover Girl. Just in case, like me, your head is turned raccoon-like by bright shiny things, consider yourself warned.
Nacho is so darned cute!!!
I'll make sure to avoid that mascara. Max Factor. Do they still make stuff?
I have that same mascara...thought I would like the big fat brush. but no sir. don't like it. uh-uh.
and Nacho!!! Love him! He's posing! We used to have gerbils...they are so much fun to watch...until they have babies....and BABIES ...and BABIES ALL OVER THE PLACE AND YOU CAN'T GIVE THEM AWAY FAST ENOUGH.
no more gerbils for us. And ours used to get all the time too!!! smart little suckers.
I, like beth, have the same mascara. It works wonders for me though...
Your humor!
Very entertaining.
Hee! Runaway gerbil! I used to have hamsters so I remember those little poop bits very well. They look like brown Tic Tacs.
AHH! I hate that mascara too. I look like I haven't slept in a week when I put this on because of all the flaking and smearing. Completely not worth it.
Little varmint poop is the main reason I stick with outside dogs. Just saying... Nacho is cute though.
Oh... a mouse! I used to have those when I was growing up. I had 2 - they had babies - we then had something like 12.
I need a new mascara too - I'll definitely stay away from this one.
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