Monday, October 13, 2008

Turkey with the girls, turkey with the boys, my favourite kind of pants are corduroys

Thanks for the comments on the photos. They are not from class. My course is actually driving me slightly mental. F stops and shutter speeds and focal length...It's making my head explode. When I do assignments that are worth posting I'll put them up. So far, zilch.

Prettiest day ever here. 27 degrees, sunny, and full of colours.
Happy Thanksgiving Canadian folks.


Anonymous said...

That last picture is absolutely brilliant...

ConverseMomma said...

I love these pictures, but they are so hard to see because I am crying so hard over another post I won't mention. I'm just so sorry. Sometimes this world hurts so terribly I can't bear it.

Eve Grey said...

Thank you.♥

vinny said...

Happy Thanksgiving Eve.