Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hey guys,
thanks for the well wishes for my friend. He just had surgery & they had to remove his meniscus as it was bent backwards. I'll let you google that. (: He has a long road ahead of physio etc...but all things considered he's doing pretty well.
Most of our frineds got married in their mid to late twenties, babies started at about 27. Now here we are 10 years later, and it's starting all over again. The guys are such late bloomers, i love it. Jon is eloping with his gf to Europe, Stu & his gf just moved in together, Anna just had her first baby, Carl & his wife are expecting their first. And these are not the divorced set! It's so fun to be part of all this stuff again.
It's a long weekend here. So glorious. Gardening, spring cleaning, gym time, fireworks, family visits, beers, fairs. I love Spring.
I have two photography classes a week now, 3 hours each after work. Ugh city. I'll try to post some stuff soon.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Me, too. What Veronica said. Only BIGGER!! XOXOXOX

Tara R. said...

Jealous of the photography classes. Good luck with those. I can't wait to see some of your homework. Glad to hear your friend is on the mend.

Soge shirts said...

Uggh glad your friend will recover eventually. Sounds like it was a pretty brutal accident. Congrats to all your late blooming friends.

Unknown said...

Hello, Darlin'. Just thought I'd stop in to say "Hey!" - make sure everything is okay. And tell you I miss you.

Eve Grey said...

Thanks Lou. That was something that was really nice to hear tonight.