I had a little tiny operation yesterday. No biggie. It was all over in half an hour. So I came home around 4pm, had a little dinner, took a prescribed painkiller, put the kids to bed. Around 9pm I started to get cold. Very, very cold. I was in bed underneath four big blankets and my teeth were chattering. My fever was 103. This continued for about two hours at which time I started to feel hot. Very, very hot. Like I was on fire, burning from the inside. I then spent the
next two hours throwing up. The single most uncomfortable, painful, frightening night of my life.
And today? Right as rain. This is how my body reacts to things it doesn't like. I assume it was a reaction to the anesthetic. I really must find out which one it was because it was so not pretty last night and i do not ever want to repeat that ever.again.
Tomorrow we're off to a wedding. Wednesday we're off to Florida. Wheeeee. Needless to say, going a little mental with preparations over here. More mental than usual that is.
I bid you all adieu.
Oh Eve, I hope all went ok with your procedure and that you're feeling much better!
Enjoy your wedding and your time away...
Ack! That does sound awful. Perfect ending though - resting up in Florida :)
I hope you're feeling better soon, and have a great vay-cay in Florida.
Let's say that you don't need to find out what was the anesthetic, because there's no need to ever have another operation again.
i hope all is ok with you.....and that kind of stuff scares the hoohaw out of me. I've never had any kind of surgery .......chills and shivers.
take care of yourslef and enjoy Florida...(biatch!) ;)
I hope your all better now - and please - have a great vacation. take many pictures. and come back to us all refreshed and cheery and full of vim, vigor and vitality. Or just come back.
What a night, I'm sorry. I hope that you are having a little R and R in Florida.
I'm hating you for being in a warm place right now. ;)
OK honey I don't know you so this may sound real strange, but...that doesn't sound good and I hope you're ok and you get it checked...
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