"MOMMY! GET THE BATHROOM READY!", he yells while running around in a tight circle. I assume this to mean make sure the toilet seat is down and the light is on but I have not clarified. Perhaps what he actually has in mind are candles, jazz, and a Tom Collins.
I am grateful however that I no longer am greeted by his butt in the air while he touches his toes and waits for a wipe. This is one part of toddlerhood I was not in the least sentimental to say goodbye to.
I love you my sweet boy.
Oh boy . . . the butt in the air days are right around the corner for me . . .
Look at that face (I can still see a hint of baby in that grin . . . ).
That is a face with a ton of spirit.
I need to force myself to let my preschooler 'finish the job' but I hate the idea of dirty drawers all day long.
The boy's face is cute, even if the butt ain't :)
I was so happy to get rid of that mommy chore myself! Great smile! How can you say 'no' to that smile?
That kid has 'toothy grin' down pat.
And you, my dear, make me wish I'd been a nerdy English teacher.
how cute.
ohmygod....can he BE any cuter???!!!
Lou, I guess you liked that comment of mine?...(;
Your blog is different, and not just the background. There is more depth of sorts. I like it. And I also wanted to add that if you stand behind a toddler to help him lift his bulky sweatshirt while he pees in the road, you could get pee in you eye. Don't ask me how I know this.
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